We employ over 150 tradespeople.

Every one of them offers an important skillset, that, when combined, allow us to provide you with a total construction solution.

Kalmar Construction employs over 150 highly skilled, respected, professional and experienced staff capable of managing construction projects of substantial size, complexity, and of a diverse nature.

Many of our team have brought their skills from around the world. In fact, cultural diversity is something we celebrate and welcome into the Kalmar family.

We also lead the way in the construction industry for gender equality in the workplace.

Teamwork is a key driver behind everything we do – and it works at every level. All our Directors, for example, are hands-on in the day-to-day operations of the business. As a client that also means you can get hold of key decision makers at any time.

Our Directors.

Bert Denée

Bert Denée

Managing Director

Paul Dreyer

Paul Dreyer

Director, General Manager Commercial

Rob Cunnington

Director, Chief Estimator

George Kubicki

George Kubicki

Director, General Manager Construction

Justin Savage

Justin Savage

Director, General Manager Kalmar Concrete Constructions

Jocelyn Nesbit

Jocelyn Nesbit

Director, Chief Financial Officer

Our Senior Leadership Team.

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    Neil Ball  | Contracts Manager
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    Phil Williams  |  Contracts Manager
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    Tim Ellery  |  Contracts Manager (Structures)
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    Cole Prendergast  |  Contracts Manager (Structures)
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    Nathan Halloran  |  Project Director
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    Justin de Beer  |  Business Development Manager
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    Greg Bailey  |  HSE Manager

Our Head Office Support Staff.

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    Kristen Todd  |  Company Accountant
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    Kirsty Rutledge Malyon |  Human Resources Manager
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    Louise Shaw  |  Business Operations Manager
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    Linda Page  |  Accounts Payable
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    Alana Adamson |  Office Administrator